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CPPAA response to the terrorist attack on the Muslim Community in Christchurch New Zealand

The Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association Australia offers our heartfelt

condolences to the families, friends and the Muslim faith community affected by the acts of

violence on people attending prayer at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. We are

deeply saddened to learn that among the injured and the dead are included children as

young as three years of age. Some families have tragically lost a parent and children.

As child psychotherapists we are well aware of how words and actions can be used to stir up

negative fantasies and feelings. Particularly about those we may perceive as a threat to us,

those we may experience as different from ourselves, those we dehumanise by labelling in

our minds as ‘other’.

We speak out against the murderous rage that lead to this tragedy. We stand in solidarity

with the parents, children, families and Muslim community who now suffer, victims of this

horrific act of hatred.

In the face of this tragedy, we will continue to insist on using the power of words and actions

in the service of compassionate understanding and of love.

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