Come along to the first in a series of Happy Hour ZOOM meetings where we can come together to share psychoanalytic ideas, research, and areas of interest. This will be an opportunity to stay connected, share and explore ideas.
For the first Happy Hour we will have a chat about a podcast from the IPA’s Talk on Psychanalysis Series, Marie-Thérèse Khair Badawi – “Being, Thinking, Creating. When War Attacks the Setting and the Transference Counter-Attacks”.
“This text, published in 2011 concerning the attack of the psychoanalytical setting in war conditions, has revealed the interest of many psychoanalysts during the Covid-19 pandemic which attacks also the setting.”
Link to the podcast:
Have a listen beforehand if you can, but still come along if you have not.
All members and trainees welcome
We would like to extend a warm welcome to any new members and hope that you can come along.
28 June 2021 7.30pm - 8.30pm