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Opposing Children in Detention

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

Dear CPPAA Members, Trainees and Colleagues,

I am forwarding for your interest a piece from The New York Times , it seems the situation with children in detention is receiving international notice. Please see link below.

At the very least the CPPAA can take some small comfort in having released in 2016 on the CPPAA website a Children in Detention Point of View statement, opposing the detention of children and their caregivers.

Unfortunately asylum seeker children remain on Nauru, some having been there for years and some having been born there.


Nada Lane

CPPAA President

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George Newhouse, principal lawyer for the National Justice Project said that inpatient mental health care for children detained on Nauru was non-existent.

"These children live in hopelessness and despair, and we've observed that it's getting worse...We are alarmed at the number of children who are imminently at risk of harm or death."

After a visit to Nauru. Indrika Ratwatte, the United Nations refugee agency's director for Asia and the Pacific, said he had found the state of the children there especially shocking, citing the case of a 12-year-old girl. "She was in bed, catatonic, not gotten out of that bed for week, not gotten out of that room for over a month...and the father was desperate as to what to do with this child."

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